Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Recovery Unmasked

What You Can Expect After A Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Many Singaporeans are now seeking the help of aesthetic plastic surgeons to improve their appearance so they can have a boost in their self-image and gain confidence. It is no longer just the wealthy or the celebrity seeking cosmetic plastic surgery, but it is now becoming a growing trend among common people to undergo aesthetic plastic surgery in Singapore.

The common cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in Singapore are liposuction, nose surgery (rhinoplasty), breast augmentation, breast lift procedure, and blepharoplasty (double eyelid and eye lift).  In this article, we will go through what a typical recovery looks like and what you can expect following two of the most common facial cosmetic surgery – Rhinoplasty and Blepharoplasty.


What You Can Expect After Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery Procedures?

In general, nose job (rhinoplasty) surgery recovery takes about two weeks and the final result will take about a year. The recovery and downtime following rhinoplasty vary from patient to patient and are also dependent on the rhinoplasty techniques used – open or closed rhinoplasty approach, any tip work was performed, any nasal bones being broken, etc.

Patients who undergo open rhinoplasty surgery typically experienced more swelling and their swelling will last longer as compared to other closed rhinoplasty patients. Patients who had osteotomies will also experience more bruising and swelling than patients who do not have their noses broken.

Whatever technique is used, you can expect to feel some dull aching and experience headache for a short time. The first day following the surgery is the most uncomfortable. You are likely to experience discomfort and might have little nausea.

Contrary to what you may think, rhinoplasty wasn’t as painful as you expected. Unless there is an infection or complication, the pain is actually mild. You can take pain relief mediation for the first few days following the surgery to manage the discomfort. You will feel better in about 2-3 days. You will feel pretty good after 7 days, although there is still swelling and little bruising.

You will also experience some nose congestion in the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty due to the swelling inside the nose. This is typically at its worst during the 1st few days but it will start to get better as the swelling subsides.

After about seven days, you can return to work after the tapes and protective splint have been removed. You may gradually resume your exercise after two weeks. It is better to avoid participating in any important social interactions for at least 3 to 4 weeks to allow most of your bruising and swelling to subside. After 4 weeks, you will look very close to your final result. In the first 3 months, the nose will undergo significant changes. As the swelling gradually subsides over the next few months, your nose appearance will also change gradually. It will take up to a year for all the swelling to subside and for the final shape to become apparent.


What You Can Expect After Blepharoplasty (Eyelid) Plastic Surgery Procedures?

Recovery time needed for each patient varies as different people recover at a different speed and heal differently due to each individual’s constitution. In general, most patients can return to work after 5 – 6 days with their makeup and are 90% back to normal after two to three weeks. The final result of your blepharoplasty is visible and can be seen after about 2 months.

You can expect to experience discomfort and mild pain for the first few days following your eyelid surgery. If necessary, you can take some form of pain medication to manage the discomfort and pain during the healing period. Swelling and bruising around your eyes is also common. Patients who underwent double eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery usually feel that most of the healing occurred within the first two weeks. Complete healing may take up to one year.


There are things you can do to speed up the recovery but bear in mind that there are also factors that are outside your control. You can do the following to speed up the recovery:

  • Apply cold/ice compress on your eyes immediately after you return home for up to about 3 – 4 days.
  • Keep your head elevated when you sleep for the first 2 weeks as this will help minimize swelling
  • Refrain from excessive blinking, as this may lead to an increased in swelling.
  • Stay away from activities that dry your eyes easily for up to 1-2 weeks. These activities are watching television reading, looking at laptop/computer, usage of contact lens. You can put on spectacles or glasses immediately.
  • Put on your sunglasses when you are outdoor to protect your eyes from possible wind and sun irritation
  • Do not engage in any form of activity that increases blood flow to your eyes such as crying, lifting things, bending, and exercising for the first two to three weeks following your eyelid surgery.
  • Refrain from all alcohol as this cause fluid retention and will slow down the recovery
  • Cut down or stop smoking, if possible for at least two weeks before and after surgery, as smokers take longer to heal.
  • Avoid taking medications and supplements like aspirin, vitamin E, fish oil etc. before and immediately after surgery
  • Do not apply any eye makeup for the first week.
  • Maintain a healthy and positive attitude and cut down any stress or worry will help you heal faster.

To reduce your chance and risk of complications after any cosmetic surgery, look for only Singapore plastic surgeons who have undergone a minimum of eight years of formal surgical training following their medical school from a reputable top tier medical university.  Be sure to request to view their patients’ before and after photos as a means of evidence that he or she truly has the experience and competency to give you the best natural-looking results.

Hope you find this article useful and has helped to answer your concern about post rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery recovery and downtime. Feel free to share this information with your friends as well.

Picture of lady after breast implants

Why Breast Augmentation Is Common In Singapore

Reasons Why So Many Singapore Women Choose Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in Singapore. Ladies chose to undergo breast implants procedures for a variety of reasons. However, most breast augmentation patients opt for implants for at least one of the following reasons:

To Improve Their Self Confidence & Self Esteem

One of the common reasons among Singapore women who opt for breast augmentation surgery is to improve their self-confidence and made them feel better about themselves. Women who are dissatisfied with their appearance often experience a huge increase in their confidence after their breast implants.

This is especially true for those who suffer from macromastia.  Macromastia is a medical condition in which a woman’s breasts do not fully develop after puberty. The majority of them experience intense embarrassment about their figures and appearance and have problems fitting into their clothing as they could not even fill AA cup. No push-ups bra could help because there is little breast tissue to push up. After the breast implants, they can wear whatever clothing they wanted, without it looking wrong. Breast implants can give such women a fuller figure and greater confidence.

To Even Out Their Breasts

Some women have uneven or asymmetrical breasts where one is larger than the other. Some of them have a huge difference between two breasts, as one with an A cup while the other was a DD. This condition has an enormous impact on a woman’s appearance. Many Singapore women undergo breast augmentation to place a breast implant in the smaller breast, to even out their figures. After the breast augmentation procedure, it solves their big problem in clothing as the clothes fit better after the surgery.

To Reconstruct The Breast

Some unfortunate women had breast cancer and ended up getting a bilateral mastectomy. Some of these patients who have a mastectomy undergo breast reconstruction using implants to reconstruct the shape of your breast and regain their full and healthy figure.

To Restore The Breast Shape and Look Younger

As women age, due to gravity, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, many of them notice that their breasts begin to sag and get smaller. Breast augmentation, in combination with a breast lift surgery, can restore their pre-pregnancy breast shape and give them a youthful, perky look to their figures.

after breast implant, youthful breast shape image
Youthful Breast Shape After Breast Implants


Whatever the reasons are, choosing to undergo breast implants augmentation should be a personal decision and should not be done to please anyone else. Breast augmentation has a huge and positive impact on your lives. If you are considering breast augmentation, it’s important to be fully informed about what to expect and the next step will be to look for an experienced plastic surgeon in Singapore to explain all your options and answer your questions. When choosing a plastic surgeon for your breast augmentation, you may want to consider their years of experience, their board certification, and your own personal comfort level with the surgeon.

Questions to Ask Your Singapore Surgeon Before Having Breast Implant Surgery

Here you’ll find some questions to help guide your discussion with your prospective Singapore breast implant plastic surgeon. You can use the following list as a reference:

·      How long do you expect my operation to take?

·      What sort of anesthesia can I expect during my procedure?

·      Where will my surgery be performed?

·      What type of implants do you use? Saline or silicone?

·      What is your experience with each?

·      Do you think saline or silicone breast implants are better for the look I want?

·      Which implant size, shape (round or teardrop), and texture are right for me?

·      Which incision locations do you suggest?

·      Where will my scar be?

·      What are the risks associated with my procedure?

·      What is the most common complication you encounter with breast implant surgery?

·      If a complication does occur during or after my surgery, how will it be handled?

·      What is your rate of complications like capsular contracture, infection in general?

·      How many breast augmentations do you personally perform each year?

·      What is your re-operation rate?

·      Can I see before-and-after photos of previous patients?

·      Am I a good candidate physically and emotionally for breast augmentation?

·      What shape, size, and surface texture are you recommending for my implants?

·      What will be expected of me to get the best results?

·      What can I do to minimize the risk of short-term and long-term complications?

·      In your experience, how long will my breast implants last?

·      How will I be able to tell if my breast implant has ruptured or if there is a problem with my breast implants?

·      How many additional operations can I expect to have over my lifetime?

·      What happens if I’m not satisfied with how my breasts look after surgery?

·      What is my expected recovery time?

·      What alternate procedures or products are available besides breast implants?

·      Will pregnancy and breastfeeding change the shape of my new breasts?

·      Could I breastfeed after a breast augmentation procedure?

·      What can I expect my breasts to look like over time?

·      What do I need to do to maintain them?

Hope you find the above questions helpful. It is wise not to rush into getting your breast implants done right away, after only seeing one plastic surgeon. It is common to get a second opinion before making your final decision to having your breast augmentation surgery. Take your time to “shop around” and know all of your options. It’s more important for you to make the right decisions based on complete information than to act quickly.  We recommend you to check out this website to learn more and get more information about Singapore breast enhancement surgery:

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FUE Hair Transplant Beauty

Restore Your Hair Beauty – FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE Hair Transplant Overview

Hair transplant is one of the effective hair restoration methods used by men and women who are suffering from genetic hair loss and other female or male pattern baldness. This hair restoration surgery takes about a full day and is usually done under sedation, or general anesthesia. In the procedure, healthy hair follicular units are extracted from the sides and/or back of the head (“the donor site”) and permanently transplanted into balding or hair loss and thinning areas (“the recipient site”).

The most common hair follicle extraction technique is follicular unit transfer (FUT) or commonly referred to as “strip harvesting”. This technique involves removing a single strip of the patient’s scalp where follicular units are plentiful and then cutting out the follicles to create grafts for transplanting.

In these days, another extraction technique is increasingly common, known as the follicular unit extraction (FUE), which involves removing each follicular unit at a time. This technique is more time consuming, but it avoids the linear scar from the donor site. This FUE method is usually chosen by men, particularly those under 30 who may wish to shave their head.

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The average number of individual grafts needed depends on the patient; anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 grafts is possible in an average day of surgery. It is relatively uncommon to have complications with the hair transplant surgery. Recovery time will depend on the extent of the hair surgery. Most patients reported mild pain, numbness and soreness after the surgery. However the pain can be controlled with medication prescribed by your hair transplant surgeon. It is also quite common for hairs from the transplanted follicles to fall out during the first month. The regrow will happen after 4 to 5 months in their new location.

The possible side effects may include scarring or uneven hair growth. If a patient’s follicle grafts didn’t establish well in the new site, the hair transplant surgeon may perform a follow-up surgery to transplant more follicles to fill in thinner areas and/or correct the scarring.

Hair transplantation can certainly restore the hair loss and boost one’s self image. However it is important to also set realistic expectations about the results of hair transplant. The hair transplant surgeon should take the time to discuss the patients’ feelings and answer their questions, including giving an estimate of hair transplant cost in Singapore. The hair doctor should conduct diagnostic examinations and tests to establish the likely cause for the hair loss. Thereafter he or she should discuss possible hair restoration treatment options. The best FUE hair transplant surgeon should be able to take great care to design a hair replacement surgery and treatment that will provide optimal result for the patient.

Related reference reading:
  1. Hair Transplant Risk, Cost & Recovery
  2. All About Hair Transplant